Wrapping Your Truck is Very Beneficial


If you’ve been attentive to our blog over the past few months, you’re probably already aware of why wrapping your truck is so beneficial. However, we want to reiterate some of the things that we have already talked about as well as introduce new information on the topic. Next time you search for “truck wraps in Charleston, SC,” think of us at Carolina Wraps.

Let’s get right into it.

What is a Truck Wrap?

If wraps are a totally new concept for you, we can explain it. A truck wrap is the same thing as a car wrap, but it’s for your truck. It’s a large vinyl graphic or decal applied directly to a vehicle for brand awareness reasons. The idea is to make the wrap attractive and eye-catching in order to get the attention you need. The people who look at your wrap will become aware of your brand and what you do and have a means of contacting you if they are interested in working together.

Reasons to Wrap Your Truck

There are many, many reasons to wrap your truck. Let’s cover some of them.

It’s a Powerful Branding and Marketing Tool

When your truck is wrapped, everyone who looks at your vehicle will know what you’re about. People will begin to recognize your brand as they see your truck driving in town and word can spread a lot faster than you might think.


Almost all methods of advertising have recurring costs. When you wrap your truck, you just pay for the wrap and you’re all set for years to come. In fact, the price is less than a custom paint job. For digital ads, you have to pay money each time someone even looks at your ad. For a truck wrap, there is no cost for each impression.

People Can’t Look Away

When you’re behind a wrapped truck in traffic, it’s hard to look away, especially when we are bored. I know I can’t help but look at and read everything on a wrapped vehicle just for entertainment, usually without even thinking about it. And just like that, I am now aware of their brand and know what they do. There is no way to “turn the channel off,” but people don’t even mind.

It’s Non-Intrusive

When you are watching a TV show and it is cut off to see an ad talking about a certain product, most of us have a passive dislike for the brand and their product. They certainly make us aware of it, but usually not a good feeling toward it. But when you are driving through town and see a wrapped truck and read the information on it and admire the graphics, it’s all your decision. There is no negative feeling behind it. In fact, it’s nicer to look at compared to a typical white work van with no branding on it whatsoever.

Establish Credibility

With a truck wrap, you have the ability to look much bigger than you are. Your business might only have a few people involved, or maybe it’s just you. Maybe you just have one or two of your business’s trucks wrapped. It doesn’t matter. With an eye-catching wrap, customers are given the impression that you have a fleet. It establishes credibility and sends a good message about your brand.

The Message Never Sleeps

Even if your truck is parked, the message never sleeps. It’s always viewable and people will continue to become aware of your brand. And when you are on the move, you are like a mobile billboard!

Reach a Wider Audience

As most people think of getting started with advertising, they think about digital advertising. While that’s certainly effective, not everyone is looking at their phones and computers. But even if they are, it’s a risky way to advertise. In fact, many businesses gain more customers from their warps compared to their websites.


Did you know that wraps also provide protection from scratches and dents to the vehicle’s body? This alone is an amazing reason to get a wrap. Even if you don’t own a business, getting your vehicle wrapped is worth it now.

Get Your Wrap Today

You don’t need to be a graphic designer or artist of some sort to do this. Our experts will walk you through the entire process. Again, next time you search for “truck wraps in Charleston, SC,” or “vehicle wraps in Charleston, SC,” think of Carolina Wraps. When you’re ready to get started, contact us here.

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