Add a line of defense to combat

PURE ZONE™ Laminate

We live in a time where extra measures must be employed to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. What if your business, office, or personal space had a barrier in place that protected you and others against infectious viruses and bacteria?

In 2013, an antimicrobial laminate called PURE ZONE™ was developed by Hexis. PURE ZONE™ is a clear laminate that can virtually cover any non-porous surface. When applied, it provides you protection against 99.9% of viral/bacterial germs. Numerous industries are using it, and you have probably seen it without realizing it. Places that require a higher level of sanitation apply PURE ZONE™ to high traffic/touch surfaces.

Perfect for Purezone

Hospitals - Dental Offices - Medical Offices - Laboratories - Spas - Schools - Food Preparation
Public Access Areas - Trains - Buses - Airplanes - Taxis - Childcare Centers - Libraries

The amazing feature of PURE ZONE™ is how flexible it is in use as a base for graphics. Not only do you get protection, but you also get amazing results with imagery and lettering. No one will suspect that the beautiful graphics on a surface they touch is a defense mechanism for the prevention of spreading germs.

How Does PURE ZONE™ Laminate Fight off Germs?

The impressive design of PURE ZONE™ is what lends to its effectiveness. The marriage of PVC film and silver ions create a highly reactive surface environment. These silver ions get released from the film either by disturbance (touching, cleaning, etc.) or by higher humidity in the environment. The released silver ions seek out germs, and once attached, the ions block the proliferation of germ cells. Needless to say, it destroys germs.

Germ Fighting Around the Clock!

Coronavirus, SARS, E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Staph, Pseudomonas

Inspiration on Suitable Surfaces for Pure Zone™ Graphics

  • Cash register counters
  • Door handles (entrance, fitting rooms, restrooms)
  • Door glass (area adjacent to door handles)
  • Acrylic dividers (social distancing, COVID-19 protection for employees)
  • Bank lobby tables and teller counters
  • Medical office: check-in desk, water dispenser handle, workspace areas, exam room countertops, registration clipboards, adjacent walls next to pediatric exam tables, pediatric scales, push-plates on swinging doors, automatic handicap door opening button, laboratory surfaces
  • Dental office: check-in desk, water dispenser handle, workspace areas, exam room countertops, push-plates on swinging doors, patient chair handles
  • Public restroom: doors, sink area, paper towel dispenser
  • Restaurants: tabletops, hostess counter, all door handles, push-plates on swing doors

Let’s Get Started

To get your project started, contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss the scope of your project. We can meet in-person, by phone, or via email. It’s up to you! Call us today at 843-225-3779 or email us at
